A.A.Voronin, V.N.Kozlov, B.I.Morozov, S.L.Chulin
Russia, S-Petersburg, SPBGTU, chulin@aivt.nord.nw.ru
This report are given computer-telecommunication educational technologies on any signs, the main of which are technologies of communication, method relations among sources of information, degree of intellectualization of training process.
А.А.Воронин, В.Н.Козлов, Б.И.Морозов, С.Л.Чулин
Россия, С-Петербург, СПбГТУ, chulin@aivt.nord.nw.ru
Дается классификация компьютерно-телекоммуникационных образовательных технологий по ряду признаков, основными из которых являются технология связи, способ взаимодействия между источником информации, степень интеллектуализации учебного процесса.
On a threshold XXI of century the world enters in a postindustrial period of the development. The newest technologies in the field of computer, information and telecommunication technologies render huge effect on development of society. On our eyes the transition from industrial company to information is carried out. The information of society is closely connected with information of education. In this connection objective necessity becomes increase efficiency of education.
Now activity of higher educational establishments is constructed on application traditional, well fulfilled educational technologies, which recently of steel to use modern achievement in the field of information technologies. However on the essence they have remained traditional and can not satisfy of inquiries of society based on the decision of such problems:
· Maintenance of equal access of the citizens to higher education;
· Updating of knowledge during all life;
· Adequacy of educational technologies to modern lines of development of a science, engineering and economy;
· Conformity of the received knowledge to market demands of work.
Cardinally to change such situation will help the application of computer-telecommunication educational technologies, which can have the various organizational forms [1]. Their foundation is the virtual contact of the teacher and trainer.
The implantation of these technologies in system of remote training, will open wide spectrum of new opportunities and will have the special significance for information of society and education. The remote form becomes especially urgent for the inhabitants of the remote areas, for the people with the limited mobility, and as for maintenance of continuous training and self-training.
The first experience of application of computer-telecommunication technologies became possible due to a wide circulation of the world computer network INTERNET, which has enabled to approach to the decision a problem of remote training from new positions. Earlier such form of training was realized basically through a mail service, TV and broadcasting. At present time it have received application the forms of submission educational material on audio- and video carriers and INTERNET which enables to combine all these forms submission of the information. Moreover the means computer- telecommunication of real time which based on network technologies have appeared which considerably expand opportunities used up to to days telephone communication.
They allow to reduce process of training to virtual dialogue on so-called “ network conferences ”. Such conferences are textual, audio- and video. For example, the textual conferences can be organized even if there is minimum means and throughput of the channel of communication. Moreover, recently they become to enter into structure of standard means of navigation on INTERNET - browser.
The maintenance audio and especially video of communication for realization process of training demands, besides the special equipment and software, the high throughput of the channel . Thus all costs are compensated by an opportunity visually to observe and to hear the interlocutor. It enables to take the most of the virtual form of full-time training.
The application of traditional methods in remote training assumes the following. Replacement of usual mail by its electronic alternative - e-mail. Thus we receive an appreciable prize on speed delivery of the messages. Textual, audio and video the material now can be represented in the format, specially intended for these purpose, registration of the data - HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). The educational material in such kind considerably expands an arsenal means submission of the information. It can be the electronic textbook with "“alive" illustrations and explaining speech and video inserts, "hyperreferences" make easier access to any sections of the placed material; the electronic text with window - push-button interface and opportunity of transfer of results is direct on the electronic address of the teacher, and even the interactive game program, allowing to run in an educational material in the game form.
Educational-methodical materials sent trainee on electronic mail, can be submitted as CASE-technology.
The wide experience on the atomized training with using the facilities of telecommunications (global networks, satellite communication etc.) is accumulate at present time. The essence of specificity of such training consists in realization by trainee of a principle " … a basis of training - in self-training ". However such system not always is effective, such as the teacher is outside the sphere process of training, and the information is not exposed to adaptation for trainee. Therefore future belongs to computer-telecommunication educational technologies as much as possible approached to the traditional form full time training.
The technology of training in such system assumes the large independence of trainee. Thus the video-contact trained with the teacher is not excluded also. It is natural, that at the large number of the trainees such contact can not be often. Frequently this contact can't be necessary for all trainees. I.e. the technology of remote training assumes adaptation of system to questions of the trainees. To decide this problem it is possible by using of the intellectual interface. We shall consider some functions of such interface realized by the way of the intellectual module.
Let's stay more in detail on algorithm of work of the intellectual module system of remote training, which is an intermediate part between a management system of management and teacher.
In the program - client of trainee two opportunities of the formulation of a question on the investigated material are placed. The first variant - after careful study of any part of an educational material displaced on server, trainee has not understood it. Then he formulates a question directly to teacher (l 1). The second variant - trainee has familiarized with a material and wants to specify or to receive an in addition available material (l 2). In this case question is addressed to the intellectual module.
The intellectual module is intended for observation the circulation of the trainee to the teacher and their partial interpretation. I.e. the module receives the circulation of the trainee and, if it in condition to serve, the circulation is delayed and is served. Otherwise circulation is transmitted to the teacher.
At such organization of process of training the teacher receives an opportunity to avoid the standard, "routine" messages, and he have more time for processing more complex, "intellectual" circulations.
The losses in system are stipulated by impossibility of simultaneous processing too much questions.
For research of mathematical model of the intellectual program module the methods of the theory of mass service were used. Thus for a basis the model of interaction of units platform of an intellectual network of communication is taken [2].
During the analysis of model the program EQUAT.CPP was developed. The program is written in language C ++ in integrated environment of development Borland C ++ 5.02.
At development of the program the library of functions for work with matrixes NEWMAT09 (Copyright 1991-1997 R. B. Davies), described in [3] was used.
The research problem consist in the following. To construct with the help methods the theory of mass service the model of service of inquiries from trainee to the teacher by the intellectual module which ensuring recognition service of standard inquiries and transfer on service to the teacher the non-standard inquiries which requiring direct consideration by the teacher.
To investigate dependence on parameters of input flow and structure of model - probability of loss of inquiries; average time of a presence of inquiry in system.
At construction of model the following assumptions were used:
The input flow of request is a superposition of two elementary flows, i. e., the moments of receipt requests of each type 333 which are distributed under the law of Poisson. In this case probability that for a space of time T has acted equally k requests is equal:
There are two flows a flow of inquiries to the teacher and flow of inquiries on the intellectual module;
The delay time of inquiries for teacher is distributed by exponentially law. Its function of distribution looks like:
The time servicing of inquiries by the intellectual module occurs in some phases. At that after termination of service on the next phase the inquiry can leave system i.e. if the inquiry was served, is transmitted on servicing on the following phase or is sent on processing to the teacher (qt). The holding time on each phase is distributed exponentially. At the same moment of time the intellectual module can serve only one inquiry.
Let's present a flow of inquiries from trainee, as ordinary Poisson's flow of inquiries the being a suppertime of two ordinary flows with intensity l 1 and l 2 matching flows of inquiries direct to the teacher ( 1 type of request ) and a flow of inquiries, acting on the module (2 type of request), i. e.
The applications of the first type are served with devices C with
exponentially time distributed with average value, appropriate every teacher. The applications of the second type are servicing
multiphase device, with exponentially time of servicing on each phase with average value
such that termination of service on k-é phase the request with probability
leaves system, and the request with probability
passes to the next phase and with probability
changes type on 1 and finishes service at the
teacher.. The requests of a type 1 are served with losses.
The acting requests such as 2 at the moment, when the multiphase device is engaged, it acts in queue with final number of places of waiting R. After termination of service the application such as 1 leave system.
The applications such as 2, in case changing type on 1, and requests there are absence of free devices, acts in the same queue, as the such as the 2, and expect clearing of servicing devices.
The buffering of the entering applications such as 2 is applied to reduce a load by the teacher and to stimulate the circulation to the intellectual module.
The buffering of the requests which have changed the type on 1, is applied to reduce losses of requests which was processed already by the intellectual module.
During the research model of the intellectual module the equations were made which describing processes occurs in system [2].
The equation the describing functioning in a stationary mode has the following kind;
Where - stationary probabilities for a
condition (i, j, k).
Stationary probabilities we
shall find from solution system of the linear equations named as a system equations of
balance [2].
For this purpose the program EQUAT was worked out. This program solving the system equation with help of function from library NEWMAT09.
The found significance,
allow to receive for researched system a number of probability-temporary characteristics.
The request of 1 type is lost in a case, when all servicing devices of first type are engaged. It occurs, when in system a number the requests of 1 type is more C. The probability of this event is equal:
The request of 2 types is lost, when all places in queue are engaged.
It takes place, when at system there is R of requests 1 type and 0 of 2 type, or of the requests 1 type and
the requests of 2 types. The probability of
such event is equal:
Generally average number of requests the in system is defined by expression
Where - maximum possible
number of the requests in system,
probability of stay in system of k requests.
In our case:
Average number requests of 1-st type:
Average number requests of 2-st type:
The average time V of stay of request in system is defined from the theorem Littla[4]:
where N - average number of the requests in system, l - average arrival rate of requests:
where a(t) - mathematical expectation of number of the requests which
have acted in interval .
For considered system we shall receive:
where .
It is obvious, that the problems solved by the intellectual interface are not limited to the only considered above functions. They are connected with hierarchical organization of interface. Therefore further we shall consider hierarchical organization of such interface.
So, before us there is a problem: to create the intellectual module capable to execute functions of the answers to questions. On an input there are questions from the trainee in textual form. On an output there are or the question, on which was not found the answer(such question redirect to the teacher), or answer. A working material is rate of lectures, or archive of rates, in a format HTML. Working environment is client - server architecture. On the machine of trainee is client part. On server of educational center is server part.
First of all at objective-oriented programming the deep study of the concept of classes is necessary. The base class in this hierarchy is chosen the search system. This choice not occasional, as far as the main function laying on the intellectual module, is, first of all, search of the necessary information. The search system in a base class will realize the elementary algorithm of search on a pattern of a key word. Accordingly other methods of this class should provide correct input of a key word and output results of search, if it is successful. Otherwise - readdresing to the teacher of a not clear question with a key word, which is not present in an educational material. The list of key words the teacher has an opportunity to look through and to edit itself.
The basic properties of objects of base class is availability of a key word.
Subsequent after addition of the logic block will appear new class, which is inheriting completely all methods and objects of a base class and having itself methods. In the logic block of intellectual module any methods of the logic analysis such as question of the trainee, or previously processing of an educational material for collecting statistics , which is using in further by the intellectual module for optimization of work out the decision on acting questions can be realized practically.
In classes of expansion can contain not only methods of the logic analysis. It can be also means for processing the form of input, in order to an ideal to work with the any form of the formulation a question of trainee. For example, the class of expansion can contain the block recognition of speech, block of identification the handwritten text etc.
Logic methods of the analysis are understood not only realization of logic algorithms in the field of artificial intelligence. Here can be used for a long time realized methods of the lexical analysis of the sentences, methods of its decomposition on components of speech, analysis of prefixes, suffixes and ending.
Informatisation of society and education, Proc. of NW RAO,#3
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