Krasnoshtanov A. P., Kupriyanova E. V., Protsykova M. A., Rakovskaia C.A., Slonova L.A.
Siberian Aerospace Academy
Krasnoyarsk State University
Krasnoyarsk State Trade-economic Institute
Russia, Krasnoyarsk
Annotation. The problems of interconnected stochastic systems identification in the broad sense are considered in the work. In addition the priory information about the parametric model structure is absent. Under these conditions the nonparametric modeling occurs to be perspective.
Красноштанов А. П., Куприянова E. В., Процыкова M. А., Раковская С. А., Слонова Л. А.
Сибирская Аэрокосмическая Академия
Красноярский Государственный Университет
Красноярский Государственный Торгово-экономический Институт
Россия, Красноярск
Аннотация. В работе рассматриваются задачи идентификации взаимосвязанных стохастических систем в широком смысле. При этом априорная информация о параметрической структуре модели отсутствует. В этих условиях перспективным оказывается непараметрическое моделирование.
Let be the vectors of
observed random sequences representing accordingly output
and input
of the analyzed process. Let's define the function of solutions
as some function representing the output of the adaptive system in
the influence
For the open scheme, shown in the figure 1, following variables are
which are observed in discrete moments of time of finite or infinite size
Further index in
observed variables is omitted because of the simplicity reason. The noise
, are such, that
form the optimum criterion
is some convex function. The problem of
searching of the best
amounts to the
minimization with respect to
that is the search if such
It's clear that the form of
be determined be the form of function
We also may consider other types of
Further the problem is in estimating by the observations
which are
formed out of the initial samples
The sign
denotes the time vector.
With the passive information accumulation, i.e. in the presence of the
sample the nonparametric estimating
algorithm (1) is :
where the matrices are such, that
Where T- transpose sign.
While constructing the model of some object the problem is in finding
the estimate of function describing the
object's behavior. This estimate is usually found by using the mean square optimum
It's clear that the estimate
error mean square will be minimal if to take
as the mean of the random value
in the given
represents the regression.
The construction of the regression models gives a good result in case
of symmetric conditional probability densities, as since the mean value of practically coincides the most probable one. If
the probability distribution has the brightly expressed asymmetric character then it is
better to use the probability models. As the function
is the optimum criterion we'll take
, -the Dirac
delta-function. After the minimization of this criterion with respect to
we get the mode of conditional probability
, i.e.
As it is known the nonparametric estimate of conditional probability density is the estimate
Where the kernels are
symmetric, delta-like for
functions with
properties of probability density at the set
It's important from the practical point of view to analyze the regression models in nonstationary (unstable) conditions. It's assumed that the probabilistic characteristics of an object are changing during the time in unknown way. The nonparametric estimate of regression function which looks like:
and it should be modified by putting the additional weights - some kind
of "memory functions", decreasing with the increase. Ibis fact corresponds to "forgetting" the old information.
Essential interest, from the practical point of view, represents the
case when for some relations between the vector components and
the parametric
relation is known up to the set of parameters
, and other relations are unknown. In this situation we collide with
the problem of identification which doesn't correspond neither to the parametric nor to
the nonparametric level of priory information. These models arise when describing the
complex interconnected processes (often this situation arises while modeling of
manufacturing processes with the continuous technology) and has a form of an iterconnected
, (6)
where the index at the
denotes the definite (the
-th) set of these components out of all
-th parametric model,
- nonparametric (the
-the vector of the output variables
of the model,
- the vector of the input
-the parameters estimate.
The combined nonparametric models in the class of H-models look like
where the sample of
statistically independent observations
at the domain
of the set
. While
using the H-models (7) the defects which are possible while using the models (6) are
excluded. It's clear that if
then the
models (7) transfer to the models (6). The set
is called the domain of technological rule.
Let the manufacturing process be some aggregate of interconnected
technological devices (objects), which models we'll denote as where
output and input variables of the
-the parametric relation
, up to parameters
т - the number of objects. In case if all models are constructed (some models can
be the models of nonparametric type), then the problem of model construction of the whole
complex often arises. It's natural to use for mis purpose the models of local objects
of the type (6), (7). But arithmetic
"assembling" of these models as the rule doesn't provide the desired accuracy.
In techniques the analog of this fact is the assembling of some article of separate blocks
each one of which satisfies the technical conditions but the functioning of the whole
article doesn't satisfy the according technical specifications and that's why the
necessity of the adjustment of the whole article arises, which represents the simultaneous
adjustment of all or some local blocks. The process of "assembling" of the
macro-model out of local ones and their following " adjustment" we called the
models macro-synthesis.
1. Medvedev A.V. Nonparametric adaptation systems. Novosibirsk: Nauka 1983
2. Tarasenko F.P. Nonparametric statistic. Tomsk: TGU, 1976.
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