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Gugushvili A Sh , Tevdorashvili R I, Tsitsishvili M I, Chubinishvili N Ò ,

Zhizhilashvili N J , Kuksin A A

Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgian Technical University, alik@gtu edu ge



Our purpose was to create system of computer calculation and keeping information about exhibits based on examples of”Tiflis school" portraits (portraits of the Georgian nobility of the first half of the 19th century) for the State Art Museum of Georgia.

It must be noticed that this study provided research of ”Tiflis school" in terms of art Though this base data contains not only calculation data but also elements of scientific description Though conducted research is actual not only in terms of computer science, but study of art.

"Tiflis school" portrait data have been first gathered perfectly in above-mentioned study Main data of this study may be used as for creation of Georgian tool painting history, but also for general course of Georgian art history of 20th-70th of 19th century. Also, to compose catalogs of monuments of Georgian material culture and to be used by teachers, postgraduates and students of this art period.

Actuality of this research is increased by the fact that unfortunately high professional painting of artists of "Tiflis school" is not studied monographic appropriately.

We have conducted program realization of museum exhibits calculation by elaboration of Oracle Power Object applications.

The program has various catalogs, extensive information of authors, their biographic profiles and collections of their works. Also it has representations of these works Here is made survey of existing trends and genre-paintings in study of art. The research contains detail information related to the questions such as title of work, technique, technique of execution, ground and basis, signature, original or replica, number of catalog, conditions of keeping, belonging, damage, restoration, transportation, exhibition, lost, buy-sell, price, literature, legend, documentation, data of filling out card and etc. Also we have made full, not existing before, art description and stylistic analyses of these portraits.

The whole system is based on range principle It can be seen obviously from the principle of construction of screen forms.

There is short help to serve abilities of functional bottoms.

The system makes search of information in single field by definite time. We can increase the number of fields for search.

Video information about exhibits may be viewed.

The problem of revisions of exhibits has been solved.

The confidential of keeping information and access has been solved.

All elements of interface are made in Georgian language.

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