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UDC 518.6:681.3.

Kosteltsev A.V., Kosteltsev V.I.
Russia, St.Petersburg,
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  The modern methods of research, design and creation of complicated objects and systems are inseparably connected with design, computer implemetation and study of their models of various kinds. The research of dynamic properties and characteristics of such objects is frequently carried out on their models in form of systems of ordinary differential equations (ODE), in general case - of nonlinear and stiff. For reception of solutions (trajectories) given nonalgorithmic [7] mathematical (continious) models are transformed to algorithmic or machine (descrete) models with application of some numerical method of integration (discretization) of ODE. Insufficiently correct application of any numerical method of integration and choice of step h of discretization (integration) may lead to inadequacy of algorithmic or mathematical models.

Results of theoretical and experimental researches, performed by the authors, permit to assert that the main reason for that the specific properties of numerical methods of discretization of ODE are, that are non-explainable from positions of classic theory of their errors. Numerical (approximate) solutions of ODE (trajectories of algorithmic model) are actually exact solutions, but of some other mathematical model (ODE system), that often differs essentially from the initial model not only by its parameters, but by the structure as well. This fact effects in the dynamic distortions (errors) that are introduced to continious model by numerical method of discretization and that decrease the degree of dynamic and and structural adequacy of algorithmic model. Therefore these properties are called dynamic, and particular functional dependencies, defining them quanitatively - dynamic  characteristics of numerical methods of ODE discretization.

Futher, without reducing generality of results, we shall consider them on example of Runge-Kutta methods (RK-methods) of ODE discretization. They may be compactly recorded in form  of  Butcher table  or  in vector-matrix  form [3, 6, 8]:

Here: A-matrix of coefficients, c-vector of abscisses, b-vector of weights, s - number of steps or stages of RK-methods. For implicit methods  and in the upper part of matrix A not all  are equal to 0.

1. Dynamic properties and characteristics of RK-methods.

Let us symbolically write the following chain of models and their own values transformations (in braces) using (1) and boundary conditions (parentheses):

Own value  of algorithmic model  (of the system of difference equations) is function  of parameters RK-methods (1) and integration step h


In the theory of numerical methods of ODE discretization   (or R) for the case of scalar model  in some other form of representation [3, 6] is called function (polinom) of stability and is used to study their properties and construction on complex plane of parameters  of areas of absolute (computational) stability.

Now we give the following
DEFINITION. The dynamic characteristic D of the given numerical method of ODE discretization is defined as natural logarithm of its function of stability

Taking into consideration (3) and (2) D may be represented by equations

or as real

and imaginative

dynamic characteristics of numerical method of ODE discretization.

Thus, noting (3), i.e. , dynamic characteristic (5) defines conversion of values  of Jacobi matrix L of mathematical model due to its discretization (via own values  of matrix R of algorithmic model) to own values  of matrix G of also continious mathematical model (see (2)), to trajectories of which discrete sequence of values of corresponding trajectories of algorithmic (discrete) model belongs[4].

Essence of influence of discretization of continious model to its dynamics will be shown on examples.
EXAMPLE 1. Let in model  be one of own values

and within its transformation to algorithmic model  explicit  Euler  method  is used  (RK1)  with  step h =1. Its dynamic characteristic

Substituting (8) into (9) we obtain

Comparison of (10) with (8) in view of physical meaning of components of own values  and  shows that algorithmic (discrete) model in this case reproduces oscillatory movements of object, circular frequency of which is more that 6 times greater (), and their attenuation is almost 5 times less () than it is determined ny its mathematical (continious) model.

EXAMPLE 2. Let matrix L of continious model (ODE system) has

Obviously, this model is stiff  (). Therefore for its algorithmization we shall use, for example, implicit 2-stage Gauss-Legandre RK-method of the 4th order of accuracy. Its area of stability is left-open, thus, it seems to be possible to choose h = 1, believing that stiff component of solution, determined by , will practically disappear already after the 1st step, because exp(-120) = 0.7667648e-52. However the real picture appears to be rather different. Dynamic characteristic of this method is

substituting  here, and then  from (11), we find that when h = 1

i.e. algorithmic  model reproduces both smooth and stiff components of solution completely equally.

Graphs of dynamic characteristics (6) and (7) as functions, defined on plane of parameters , reproduce corresponding planes  and  in 3-dimensional space. For example, and some auxillary information about dynamic characteristics of numerical methods of ODE discretization see [4]. Here we shall notice, by the way, that reproduction of the like surfaces may be considered as an original way of rather evident (in difference from Riman's surfaces) graphic representation of functions of complex variable.

At present programs are created and dynamic characteristics of practically all known by domestic publications RK-methods of implicit and explicit RK-methods are calculated. Design of  methodics and program for calculation of dynamic characteristics of methods like Adams' is being completed.

Let us mark two rather important features of dynamic characteristics.

At first, surfaces  are crossed with plane of parameters  exactly on boundaries  (see further fig.1) of traditionally known areas of stability of numerical methods, and within them have negative values. Thus we have new and rather simple way of constructing areas of stability of numerical methods. Mark, also, that this way allows to confirm hypothesis [4] and establish fact of existance (not rare) of methods with multilinked areas of stability.

At second, using real and imaginative dynamic characteristics and comparing them to values of respectively  and , we  may construct on the same  plane  not only areas of stability, but areas ,  called  areas  of  dynamic correspondence of numerical methods (see fig.1). Practical importance of application of these areas is that if all  of continious model (ODE system), that will be called working points of algoithmic model, are within this area, then algorithmic model in dynamic relation will be garanteed to be adequate [10] to continious model (object) with  exactness up to .

The shown results of dynamic theory of errors define not the last and now not the most difficult of "underwater stones" of numerical methods of ODE discretization. They have one more important property, to characterize which the following statement is formulated and proved

STATEMENT. Practically all numerical methods  of ODE dicretization under certain circumstances are able to significantly change (revolt) the structure of fundamental matrix (system of solutions) of integrated ODE system.

But this means that algorithmic model under such conditions appear to be a model of absolutely different ODE system or object.

In case of Adams methods the statement is trivial. Really, ODE system of n-th order is transformed by implicit or explicit method of  s-th order to a system of difference equations of respectively ns -th or n(s -1)-th order. Here change of structure of algorithmic model in respect to ODE system is defined by the essense of these methods and is introduced into the model intensionally.

In case of RK-methods dimensions and structures of algorithmic model and ODE system coinside and seem to cause no problems. Nevertheless just here the specific property of numeric methods, defined in the statement, is displayed. Now we pass to prove of the statement.

Function of stability of numerical method is function  (), which may be [6] any of own values of matrix L of ODE system, i.e. function of stability is always defined on spectre of matrix L. In this case [2,5] by  substitution in it of matrix L instread of  matrix function   is correctly defined, that is here the matrix R of algorithmic model for integrated ODE system.

The structure of fundamental matrix of ODE system is defined by normal Jourdan form of matrix L, that is in its turn defined by complete system of its elementary divisors. But ODE system at numerical integration is transformed to system of difference equations with matrix . Then according to theorem 2 (see [5], p.188), if L has own values   and - function, for which   (i = 1, ..., s), then elementary divisors  are obtained by substitution of divisors  of matrix L by expressions . If L has elementary divisor  and  then at transition from L to  it is splitted to elementary divisors [5]


and symbol  designates maximal integer, not exceeding .

But thus the structure of Jourdan form of matrix R will change in respect to Jourdan form of matrix L of ODE system.

Let us mark that structure of Jourdan form of matrix G (see (2)) exactly corresponds to the changed structure of Jourdan form of matrix R, despite that  , because [2] here .

EXAMPLE 3. Let L has one elementary divisor . One 55 Jourdan cell corresponds to it and a cell of the same size of fundamental matrix of ODE system (see textbooks on ODE). Let this system be integrated by 2-stage RK-method (of Euler-Koshy) with step h = 0.5. Let us find elementary divisors of matrix R of  algorithmic model.

Function of stability of this method  and hence . For these conditions (= -2, h = 0.5) we have   (!), . It means that elementary divisor  is splitted in R into elementary divisors (14), where when , according to (15) we have . This way, elementary divisor  of matrix L is splitted in R into elementary divisors  and . By these results it is easy to set corresponding change of structure of fundamental matrix of ODE system at its numerical integration.

Let us mark the following circumstance. At present some specialists, working with models, apply functions of sensitivity to choose optimal step of integration to minimize errors of modelling. But h is equal in rights with  argument of stability function (3). Moreover, initially [6] the latter were received as characteristic polinoms of difference equations  + (non-uniform members) for complete error of  numerical methods, in which h is included only in . Therefore it is easy to see, in connection with the numerical methods property discussed, that incorrect application of functions of sensitivity for the aims noted before may lead to results that are directly opposite to expected ones.

Concluding considering this property of numerical methods, let us pay special attention to the following remarkable  fact.  If  all  working points () of  algorithmic model are situated within area  of  of  dynamic correspondence of method of ODE discretization, then no changes (disturbances) of structure of fundamental matrix of ODE occur, even if  is equal to dozens of percents.

2. New way of constructing and new methods of ODE discretization.

The fulfilled analysis of properties characterizes actuality, alongside with others, of problem of perfection of numerical methods of ODE discretization and methods of its construction. One of its solutions is considered further.

The suggested new way represents universal algorithm of  constructing methods of ODE discretization, that are further development of RK-methods, but more perfect in their properties. We shall give its properties and advantages of new methods in comparison, for that we shall give a brief analysis, according to known publications, of the state of this question, and then - characteristics of new way and advantages of new methods of ODE discretization, that we shall call K-methods.

2.1. Addition to characteristics of RK-methods

Runge (1895) and Hoin (1900) formulated scheme of what, after improvement by Kutta (1901), we call Runge-Kutta methods [8]. Obviously, 1995 may be considered the year of century's anniversary of RK-methods.

For explicit RK-methods dependency of maximally achievable order of accuracy p and necessary for it number of stages s has form of the following table [6,9]:

"The highest order, actually achieved for explicitly constructed ERK-methods is equal to 10 (Guinness' records book, p.333)." ([8], p.203).

"Achievement of formules of still higher orders becomes a complicated problem, making a challenge for mathematicians, difficulties grow more than exponentially, and methods become huge monsters, making step length control still more and more complicated." ([8], p.206).

Table (16) shows that before p = 4 complete correspondence of p and s is provided. Further so called "Butcher's barriers" start working, that were formulated by him as theorems (see [8], pp.202, 203), that state that: when p  5, no explicit methods of order p exist for s = p; when p  7, no explicit RK-methods of order p exist for s = p + 1; when p  8, no explicit RK-methods of order p exist for s = p + 2.

We should outline that "... Butcher tried for several years to find explicit 10-stage method of the 8th order" ([3], p.99).

Curtis built 9-stage method of the 8th order of accuracy [1]. It is natural to expect that area of stability of this method exceeds by its size areas of stability of methods of lower orders of accuracy. However analysis of errors of Curtis' methods demonstrates quite oppsite effect. It is displayed in  fig.1, where  boundaries  of  area  of  stability  of  classic  RK-method (/ RK-4), areas of stability  (/ Curtis) and 5% correlation (5% / Curtis) of Curtis method.

From formulas of 10th order of accuracy we can extract Hairer method (1978), that has 17 stages [8]. For its creation complete arsenal of simplification conditions of Butcher was applied [3,6]. Coefficients of method are not rational numbers, because they are built on base of quadrature formula of Lobatto of the 10th order.

For dreams about further increase of accuracy of methods the words by H.Shtetter and theorem ([9], p.176) may be applied, "The fact that RK-procedures of arbitrary high orders exist at all, is not too difficult to settle. Theorem 3.3.9. There exist (explicit) RK-procedures of arbitrary high order". We may notice here, ourselves, that there are no examples of such procedures.

2.2. Characteristics of new K-methods and way of their constructing.

Algorithm of constructing of new explicit K-methods of ODE discretization allows to automatically calculate coefficients of methods (table (1)) of any order of accuracy. By that equality of order of accuracy p of method and necessary for its achievement number of stages s is provided:

We shall outline specially that time of calculation of  coefficients of K-methods (Butcher table (1)), even when  p = s > 120, is equal to parts of second of computer time.

Adjacent on the order of accuracy K-methods may be represented as analogues of known enclosed methods. It allows to build programs of numerical solving of ODE with automatic choice of integration step on their base. Moreover, if during process of ODE solving further shortening of step in its automatic choice is limited by errors of rounding or time resources for solving concrete task, we may, by calling procedure of constructing of Butcher table of higher order of accuracy (taking into account the time for its constructing, mentioned above), continue to solve ODE by the new method, without further shortening of integration step. As a result, the new way of constructing K-methods allows to construct programs of numerical ODE solving with automatic choice of not only step, but the order of accuracy of method as well.

The important advantage of simplicity of constructing of K-methods is possibility of their implementation on hardware level in mathematical coprocessors or computer specprocessors.

Another characteristic of K-methods is that sizes of areas  of stability and correlation, starting with p = s = 5, and at least, up to p = s = 24, grow approximately proportionally to p. In fig.1 by strokes over axis  only real intervals of stability are denoted, digitizing of which corresponds to the order of accuracy p of K-methods. Here complete boundary  of area of stability and boundary 1% of area of 1% correlation of K-method of the 24th order (K-24) are shown. It is remarkable also that area (with boundary 5%) of 5% correlation of method K-9 (p = s = 9) completely covers all area of stability of  Curtis method. Taking this into consideration, as well as some features of  K-methods, it is easy to show that method K-9 is more that twice as efficient as Curtis method.

Complete difiniteness concerning errors of K-methods and high  accuracy (value of area of dynamic correlation) allow to confidently consider solving ODE systems with arbitrary right parts and, what is more important, stiff problems. As for the latter, K-methods are in our opinion more efficient than A-stable implicit RK-methods. This is caused by that, at first, explicit methods do not require solving systems of nonlinear algebraic equations at every step (numerical methods of their solving introduce additional errors), and, at second, left openness of stability area of implicit RK-methods do not completely guarantee accuracy of reproducing of dynamics of the ODE system being solved, that is shown earlier in example 2.


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